Thursday, June 16, 2011

Alaska Adventure

Alaskan Flower
Indiana Jones Bridge
What do you spy?
Trusty sled dogs, and Mushers camp.

Summer has most definatly been treating me right. Shortly after school was dismissed I was wisked away to a three day stay to Monteray, California so my dad could play one of the most prestigous golf courses. While he played golf the girls including my godmother,daughter, and my mom did what we did best, walk along the beach, shop, and eat lunch. I had an AMAZING time there being around the one's I loved. I adore wildlife so going to the aqauriam with my daddy was super fun.
From there we flew to Seattle where my older brother and sister met us and we embarked on our week long cruise to Alaska. That was one of the coolest trips I've taken. That's saying something seeing that I've traveled to France, Italy, Spain, Morrocco, and Mexico. While there we took an excursion which we boarded a helicopter and flew to the top of Denver Glacier in Skagway. It was like being in an entirely different world. It was snowing (something I haven't experienced in a VERY long time) and it was just like out of the movies. There we saw 250 dogs in little doghouses all barking, rearing to go.
Our other amazing excursion was in Ketchikan where we boarding a monster of a truck and climbed an extremely steep hill to a ziplining course. That was freaking amazing. Yeah, I know I talk like a teenager. We started small and then progressed to super fast, tall, and long lines. It was crazy.
This was such a memorable experience. It makes me realize how truly blessed I am <3

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Hey there. So can I just say how much I adore Florence and the Machine? Yeah, well it is alot. All of her songs are just pretty much magnificent. Dog Days are Over, Cosmic Love, and Heavy in Your Arms have to be my favs. I mean who doesn't like some music they can jam out to or even just sit and listen when they're having a moment? Because I know I sure love singers like this.
Oh and if you haven't seen Water for Elephants. GO SEE IT NOW. Seriously, my new favorite movie. Robert Pattinson looks like a babe as always, Reese Witherspoon is awesome, and I love the movie itself. Having Cosmic Love on one of the trailer defiantly sold me.
Have any of you seen it yet? Comment and let me know what you thought of it yet!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Live A Little, Laugh A Lot

Girls always want to frolic through flowers, I'm happy frolicking through barley.
Born and raised country

Boots and sweet baby dallas. Two favorite things.

So, first let me apologize for not updating my blog in forever and a day. Yeah, I'm lame I know. Second, life has been CARAZY lately. Getting grounded for two months is something all teenage girls go through right? Live and learn I suppose. Thirdly, I am a new owner of a tiny toy aussie puppy named Dallas after Dallas, Texas(where we bought him), What a little ball of energy he is. And lastly, I wanted to share a few new pictures from a recent shoot I did with a few friends. Thanks to Miss Gabriela Lim. Also known as my sister.(:

Sunday, February 27, 2011


I love everyone in my life, and knowing there will always be someone there for me makes me smile. I had an amazing birthday.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fall, Come Sooner. :)

Dear Fall,
I'd really appreciate it if you would come sooner to Arizona. Sure having 100 degree weather was nice for about one day. Now all the other states are getting your presence. Except us. :( I'd love to have Fall visit Arizona. I miss wearing hoodies and fuzzy boots. They make me smile. :) I want to be able to decorate my house in smartly dressed scarecrows and itsy bitsy pumpkins. Oh and the candy corn. :) So with all that being said, please consider visiting me and my state. Many thank yous.
Your long Lost Friend,
Allie :)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Be Bold (:

Summer is all about having fun and being as stupid and crazy as you want. Well, that's how it is to me! Yesterday a few friends of mine all came over for a sleepover and just to have some very much needed girltime. We all live in the same neighborhood and all our houses are in a quare pattern. So we would walk inbetween our houses to go do different activities. When we were over at one friends house we were going through her closet and we found two tutus and a bright green poncho. I thought it would be fun and publicily embarrasing to wear them back to my house. We forgot it was 110 degrees and the hottest part of the day so the girl wearing the poncho created a new look and folded it over her head. (: So I guess this post is about having some fun. You only get to live once so why not live it up?? Well that's my schpeil for the day! (; What was the funnest thing you have done over this summer?

P.S. I just recently got bangs and I LOVE them!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Bye Bye Facebook

Well, I decided that I was becoming a bit of a Facebook addict. Whenever I had a free moment I would just hop on the computer and log in. So a friend and I were chatting and we decided that maybe it was time to deactivate our accounts. So later that day I was sitting at that computer torn whether to press that little button that said deactivate. But I had the willpower to! (: I deleted it a few days ago and already I can tell that I've had more time. I just finished a book which I most likely wouldn't of finished if I still had a Facebook. Also, sitting back and looking at how many people are constantly updating their status or uploading pictures of themselves kind of gave me a reality check. Was I becoming a bit of a narcissist myself? Well all that is behind my now and oh boy do I feel enlightened! Is it time you take a step back and look at how much time you spend on Facebook or Myspace?